Assign user as Administrator in Windows

If you are managing computers you probably have to create one user account with administrator rights for all the computers.

1,Create a new user (Administrator,Admin)
2,To add this account to Administrator group follow this tutorial
   Add a user to Administrator group
   Above link explains how to add domain user accounts to Administrator group.

3,To add local user to Admin rights,Click Locations

4,Login as current Administrator Username/password
5,Change location to local computer from entire directory
6,Enter Username and click "Check Names" button
7,Click Ok ,Login as a new user.

PLC Converter -My Android application

I created new Android app for PLC Engineers to troubleshoot PLC Analog Input signal..

Download PLC Converter from Android Market

Android app upload error The icon for your application is not valid. Please use a 48x48 PNG

The icon for your application is not valid. Please use a 48x48 PNG this is most common error you will get while uploading to Android Market.

This is due to Icons resolution error in different folders.Use mspaint resize command and save it to drawable folder like below.

drawable-hdpi -72x72
drawable-ldpi -36x36

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